
Poetic Labor Project
An ongoing collection of writing by poets on the relationship between poetics and labor, along with full texts from the 2010 Labor Day conference convened around these questions.

Michael Bérubé’s Presidential Address at the 2013 MLA Convention
Bérubé’s outgoing address focuses on continent labor and radical shifts to hiring practices in the academy–a must read for anyone working or studying (or looking to work or study) in English Departments.

The National Council of Teachers of English
The professional organization for teachers of English at all levels; some job listings here as well.

Inside Higher ED
Good information on higher ed generally; their job search is extensive, free, and can be limited by type of position.

The Chronicle of Higher Education
All things higher education including advice columns and information on CVs and the job market. Their job listings are extensive

The Northern California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
A job-search site focused on the Bay Area that can be limited by region within Northern CA or by college.

The International Writing Centers Association
Valuable resources on Writing Centers, tutoring, and working as a Writing Center consultant.

The Association of Writers & Writing Programs
A conference, a bookfair, but also increasingly a location for information about and jobs listings for jobs teaching creative writing.

Poets & Writers Conferences & Residencies Database
A great database of national and international opportunities. If you’re searching for residencies we’d advise you to set the search term to free admission: yes.

Shop Talk
Reflections on a series of conversations addressing how artists might survive in the economic market.

Writers Digest
Some useful tips for pitching your project to an agent.